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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for April 9, 2018

  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairman Brian Molsberry called to order the regular meeting of the Mark West Community Advisory Council at 6:00 pm.
    2. Roll Call: Members present were: __X_ Brian Molsberry, __X_ Roni Berg, __X_ Pete Lescure, __X_Tim Preston, __X__ Mike Edwards
    3. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Council Vice Chair Berg, seconded by Councilmember Lescure, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, March 12, 2018, were approved.  The motion carried on a voice vote (4-1).  Mike Edwards was not present at prior meeting.
  2. Ex parte Communications
    1. Councilmember Preston went to a meeting regarding sewer service in Larkfeld.  He brought the Council to their attention. The County wants to extend sewer service to 128 homes. If approved, there will be deferred payment, 10 years, and 2.5% interest, with voluntary hook up.  Only those that elect in will pay.  There is a meeting on 5/22 at the Board of Supervisors.  Later hook-ups will be more costly.  He proposed adding a presentation from the Sanitation District to the May agenda.

      Suggestions from Council members are: Brad Sherwood, (707) 547-1927, Water Agency, and Jim Dickey for an    opposing point of view.  The secretary will add it to the agenda.  The secretary will contact Councilmember
      Lescure for Jim Dickey’s contact information
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: This time is set aside to receive comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCac cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
    1. Margaret DiGenova, Cal am Water:  All testing is done and submitted to the State.  Lifted the “Do Not Drink: order.  All testing was good No Benzene
    2. Council Vice Chair Berg:  The terms of service for councilmembers, on website do not match with the Blue Book.She met with Jen Mendoza, District aid for Supervisor Gore.  All members are getting a second term.  Jen will make the corrections.
    3. Council Vice Chair Berg has been in contact with Jennifer Thompson, Executive Director of Rebuild North Bay Foundation.  Berg recommended that the Council invite Jennifer to a meeting to speak on what’s happening.  All agreed.
  4. Correspondence-None
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures:  Information only-None
  6. Referrals from PRMD-None
  7. Presentations:  Referrals from Sonoma county PRMD: ACTION ITEM-None
  8. Questions from Council:
  9. Subcommittee Reports and Following Discussions
    1. Franchise Fee Monies:
      1. Council vice Chair Berg:  We are at the point of “How it is actually going to worrk?”  The committee is ready to move forward now.  We will be accepting applications four times per year, vet them (see proposal), choose  recipients and send those to the Board of Supervisors for funding approval.  This is a required process for any monies spent from the general fund.  Vetted and “funding approved” applicants will be given the “green light” to begin their project.  Upon completion of the project, receipts will be turned into the Council and a request to reimburse the project leader will be sent to our Transportation & Public Works liaison, Chris Collins for payment.           
      2. Traffic and Transportation
        1. Nothing back from the County, on proposed speed limit, yet.  The secretary will follow up.
        2. Community member Rick Hall:  Pete had a great letter in July.  It went to the board.  Nobody reads it.  Did Pete get a response?

          Councilmember Pete Lescure: “Yes.” Still not satisfied.  We as a community need to back up this
          Transportation situation.  It needs to be addressed.  Lets get a strong position.

          Comments from Community:  It will move some traffic to 101.  Google sends people thru the
          Neighborhood.  Need to be strong.
  10. Discussion Items:  ACTION ITEMS – Action if indicated
    1. Mark West Chamber of Commerce Social is cancelled.  They are looking al the way back to October, 2019.  Still proposing a day event followed by an evening concert.  Cancelled for the third time.  LBC is not ready.
    2. Councilmember Lescure:  county is doing a Land Use study around SMART.  It will affect us.  He proposes the Council invite someone from there to talk to us.

      County Planner Willie Lamberson:  That is an Airport Specific Plan.  Amy Lyle would be good to make
      Presentation.  Basically housing and hotels.  The secretary will follow up.
    3. Councilmember Preston suggested the council remove “Boundary Lines” from “future Agenda Items” as it is not a current issue.  Can be put on in the future.
    4. Council Vice Chair Berg will write a “Thank you” to Fire Station in Larkfield, for use of their facility and services.
  11. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Council Vice Chair Berg, seconded by Councilmember Lescure, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm. The motion carried on a voice vote (5-0).