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Civil Service Commission

Civil Service Commission Meeting

Date: December 17, 2020

Time: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Registration Required: No

Add to Calendar

We welcome you to attend our meetings; your interest is encouraged and appreciated. The Civil Service Commission meetings are regularly scheduled the first and third Thursday of each month.

Please Note: Before addressing the Civil Service Commission, please state your name and whom you represent.

Disabled Accommodation

If you have a disability which requires an accommodation, an alternative format, or requires another person to assist you while attending this meeting, please contact Marissa Georges at (707) 565-6195, as soon as possible to ensure arrangements for accommodation.


In accordance with Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20 the December 17, 2020 Civil Service Commission meeting will be held virtually. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC MAY NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING IN PERSON

The December 17, 2020 Civil Service Commission will be facilitated virtually through Zoom.

Webinar Information

Zoom Webinar:

Telephone:+1 (669) 900-9128

Webinar: 967 8152 5913 Password: 665709

PUBLIC COMMENT PRIOR TO THE COMMISSION MEETING: Public Comment may be submitted via email. EMAIL PUBLIC COMMENT: To submit an emailed public comment to the Commission Secretary email by December 14, 2020. Please provide your name, the agenda items on which you wish to speak, and your comment. These comments will be emailed to all Civil Service Commission members.

PUBLIC COMMENT DURING THE COMMISSION MEETING: PUBLIC COMMENT USING ZOOM: Members of the public who join the Zoom meeting, either through the Zoom app or by calling in, will be able to provide live public comment at specific points throughout the meeting.

DISABLED ACCOMMODATION: If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Commission Secretary at (707) 565-6195 or by email by 12pm Monday, December 14, 2020 to ensure arrangements for accommodation.

Call to Order

Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2020

Director’s Report

Public Comment

Any member of the public may address the Commission on a matter not listed on the agenda. Please state your name and who you represent, if applicable. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes.

Agenda Items: Recruitment and Classification: FY 19-20 Workload Summary Update Presented by: Spencer Keywood, Recruitment and Classification Manager



Other Scheduling Matters­

Commissioners Closed Session

Reconvene from Closed Session

Commissioners Open Session


Accommodation Request

If you need an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and/or commenting on this meeting, please contact the Commission Secretary at (707) 565-6195 or by email within 72 hours of the meeting to ensure arrangements for accommodation.

Meeting Materials

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the following address:

Human Resources Office
575 Administration Drive, Suite 116-B
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Public Comment

Any member of the audience desiring to address the Commission on a matter on the agenda: Please walk to the public speaker’s table and after receiving recognition from the Chair, please state your name and make your comments.

In order that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, please be brief and limit your comments to the subject under discussion. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.

While members of the public are welcome to address the Commission, under the Brown Act, Commission members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally may only listen.