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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

6-3 Temporary Transitional Duty - Sections I and II: Purpose and Objectives, and Program Definition

Human Resources Disability Management 750

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Approved: County Administrator
Authority: County Administrator
Revised Date: January 20, 2006

What's on this Page

Read next: Sections III and IV: Definitions and Policy Guidelines

I. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Temporary Transitional Duty Program is to provide early intervention for those injured or ill employees who are expected to return to full duty. 

The objectives of the Temporary Transitional Duty Program are as follows:

  • Retain and support injured or ill employees.
  • Help employees transition back to their regular job duties.
  • Decrease costs associated with lost time from work.

This policy establishes the roles and responsibilities and defines the guidelines of the Temporary Transitional Duty Program. 

Temporary Transitional Duty is distinguished from Permanent Accommodations in that the effects from the injury or illness are temporary, and are expected to result in a full recovery.

Where restrictions are permanent, departments should refer to and follow the County’s Disability Guidelines. 

Departments should also be mindful that there are other leave provisions that may need to be coordinated with this policy and should consult the appropriate County staff knowledgeable in those areas.

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II. Program Definition

The Temporary Transitional Duty Program has been established in an effort to retain our qualified work force and to promote early return to work while supporting the employee recovering from an injury or illness.  

Sonoma County’s Temporary Transitional Duty Program is designed to encourage the department and the employee to work cooperatively toward the goal of transitioning the employee with temporary medical restrictions back into the work environment. The employee will be paid at their regular rate of pay for a specified period of time.  This allows the employee to continue to develop and utilize work skills and abilities that are not limited by the injury or illness, while transitioning back to their regular assignment.  It also allows the department to retain a valuable employee.

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