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March 01, 2018 | Human Resources Department

Junior Commission on Human Rights Supports Sonoma County Schools and Universities Participating in National Walkout Day on March 14th

Junior Commission on Human Rights supports Sonoma County schools and universities participating in National Walkout on March 14, taking action to demand Congress pass sensible legislation to address school shootings and gun violence. Read full story

February 28, 2018 | Department of Human Services

Grant to Train Local Workers for Construction Industry

To help prepare and train Sonoma County residents for jobs in the construction industry after the October wildfires, the Sonoma County Workforce Development Board (WIB), in partnership with the Human Services Department Employment and Training Division, has received $3.25 million in emergency funds from the California Employment Development Department. Read full story

February 27, 2018 | Office of the District Attorney

Petaluma Woman Sentenced to 25-Life Term For Sexual Abuse of Daughter

DefendantTawnya Hopper, 44 years old of Petaluma, was sentenced today to a prison termof 25 years-to-life by the Honorable Jamie Thistlethwaite after having pled nocontest in July of last year to a violation of Penal Code section 288.7(a),sexual intercourse by an adult with a child under the age of ten. Read full story

February 27, 2018 | Natural Resources

Punctured Pipeline Causes Wastewater Spill in Occidental

Afour-inch wastewater pipeline was inadvertently punctured in downtownOccidental Monday morning, causing less than 1,200 gallons of untreatedwastewater to be released. Read full story

February 27, 2018 | Natural Resources

New Groundwater Agencies Host Community Workshops onShort-term Funding Options

A series of community workshops are scheduled to update well owners and others on options for short-term funding of Sonoma County’s Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) Read full story

February 23, 2018 | Economic Development Collaborative

2018 Sonoma County Restaurant Week Launches

2018 Sonoma County Restaurant Week Launches Read full story

February 23, 2018 | Board of Supervisors Department

Supervisor Susan Gorin Invites District 1 Constituents to Serve on Boards and Commissions

FirstDistrict Supervisor Susan Gorin invites community members to apply forpositions on local policy making bodies. Read full story

February 20, 2018 | Natural Resources

Public Meeting on Local Fish Habitat Restoration Projects

On Thursday, Feb. 22 the Public Policy Facilitating Committee (PPFC) willhold its annual meeting to review projects that are helping to restoreendangered and threatened fish to the Russian River watershed while maintainingthe region’s primary water supply. This year’s meeting will include a walkingtour of a habitat enhancement project on Dry Creek. Read full story

February 16, 2018 | Community Development Commission

2018 Sonoma County Homeless Count Launches

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission is coordinating the 2018 Point-in-Time Homeless Count. The Homeless Count will include a “street count” of people who are living outside in all census tracts in the County, as well as counting those staying in shelters, jail or institutions on the night before the street count. Read full story

February 13, 2018 | Department of Health Services

Celebrate Valentine's Day by Showing You Care: Know Your Status

This Valentine’s Day, Bay Area health officialsremind everyone who is sexually active to have a conversation with your primarycare provider and to be screened regularly for sexually transmitted diseases(STDs). Read full story