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Notice of Funding Availability: CDBG & HOME for Capital Projects FY 2021-2022
Issue Date: May 10, 2021
Application Due Date: June 11, 2021, 3:00 PM
The Sonoma County Community Development Commission (Commission) requests applications for eligible capital and affordable housing projects, and housing programs to receive funding from the following sources:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - FY 2021-2022: $1,460,906
- HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) - FY 2021-2022: $660,323
The Commission administers US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) program funds on behalf of the County of Sonoma, the Town of Windsor, and the cities of Cloverdale, Cotati, Healdsburg, Rohnert Park, Sebastopol, and Sonoma (collectively, the “Urban County”). This NOFA and associated guiding documents and policies govern the distribution of funds for capital projects, including affordable housing projects.
The application packet is available below.
The packet contains the FY 2021-2022 CDBG & HOME for Capital Projects Funding Policies, the funding timeline, and application guidelines and forms. Please review this NOFA, the funding policies, and application guidelines carefully for important information on project/program eligibility and application procedures.
Key Dates
Date | Description |
Monday May 10, 2021 | Notice of FY 2021-2022 CDBG and HOME funding availability (NOFA) issued inviting submission of Capital Project funding applications |
Monday June 7, 2021 | Technical Assistance Session for applicants interested in submitting a Capital Project funding application in FY 2021-2022. Please note: The TA session will be to discuss specific project questions. |
Friday June 11, 2021 | CDBG & HOME Capital Project Funding Applications are due at the Commission Office |
Wednesday June 16, 2021 | Workshop for Community Development Committee and Cities and Towns Advisory Committee Review and Feedback on FY 2021-2022 Capital Project Funding Applications. All applicants must be present to be considered for funding. |
Wednesday July 21, 2021 | Community Development Committee and Cities and Towns Advisory Committee make funding recommendations for FY 2021-2022 Capital Project Funding Applications. All applicants must be present to be considered for funding. |
Monday July 26, 2021 | Draft FY 2021-2022 Action Plan Presented to CD Committee at Special Public Hearing. |
FY 2021-2022 Priorities
The CDBG & HOME Funding Policies further the five-year goals set out in the Consolidated Plan.
The Commission will recommend awarding funds to the most competitive proposals that adhere to the basic Threshold Criteria and rank well under the Selection Criteria found in the FY 2021-22 CDBG & HOME Funding Policies.
Selection Process
All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by Commission staff, who will then prepare an analysis for consideration by the Community Development Committee and the Cities and Towns Advisory Committee (CTAC) at a public workshop on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 10:00 am. At the workshop, the committees will review staff analysis of proposals submitted under the competitive funding categories, take testimony from applicants, and provide feedback to staff that will be integrated into staff recommendations. All applicants must be present at the public workshop to be considered for funding.
Staff will present recommendations at a meeting of the Community Development Committee and the CTAC on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, at 10 am. The committees will concurrently review staff recommendations and make final funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
The FY 2021-22 Annual Action Plan will be presented to the Community Development Committee at a public hearing during the public comment period for the Draft Action Plan. The hearing will be held on July 26, 2021, at 10 am. The Draft Action Plan will include a list of projects and programs recommended for funding. All applicants must be present at the public hearing to be considered for funding.