June 28, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
June SoCo Correspondent
The County of Sonoma is providing an online view of the County’s annual operating budget as part of our commitment to transparency, open government, and citizen engagement. This site presents the County’s operating budget in a visual style to help promote an understanding of how the budget is structured and where the County is dedicating available resources Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story
June 20, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
Dispensary Update
The County has been issuing land use permits for dispensaries since 2007. No more than 9 medical cannabis dispensaries can be permitted within the unincorporated county at any one time. There arecurrently 5 permitted dispensaries and 4 applications that have been deemed complete. At this time, the county is not accepting any new dispensary applications. Read full story
June 13, 2018 | Climate Action and Resiliency
Free Training for High Performance Residential Design and Construction
Provided by PG&E in collaboration with the County's General Services Energy and Sustainability Division, the MI-BEST is a series of five consecutive days of training designed to be taken in sequence. MI-BEST joins the art of construction to the science of energy and moisture management. It provides building professionals an opportunity to learn and practice techniques that might otherwise take many residential projects to experience and troubleshoot. Participants are encouraged to attend the entire series but individual sign-ups by day and topic are allowed. Visit for more information. Read full story
May 07, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
May SoCo Correspondent
On April 17, 2018, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved road improvement projects which will make it easier and safer to travel in Sonoma County. These improvements will be funded with the new gas tax, also known as Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story
April 10, 2018 | Office of Recovery and Resiliency
Feds award $212 million to help California recover from 2017 wildfires
California’s recovery from last October's wildfires is getting a $212 million boost from the federal government. It’s unclear exactly how much of the money will go to the County of Sonoma. Read full story
April 03, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
April SoCo Correspondent
California State Association of Counties is producing a series of videos and blog postings that highlight California Counties’ best practices. The programs they are spotlighting are recipients of the annual Challenge Awards, which recognizes the innovative and creative spirit of California county governments. Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story
March 23, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
March SoCo Correspondent
The National Weather Service’s general rule of thumb is that a half an inch of rainfall in an hour can cause flash flooding in areas affected by fires. To better prepare, you can consider certain things.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story
February 16, 2018 | Climate Action and Resiliency
Rebuilding for Efficiency, Comfort, and Resilience
Join the Energy and Sustainability Division for a free workshop on Rebuilding for Efficiency. You'll learn about the options, benefits, rebates and incentives and considerations for your design team, Read full story
February 07, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
February SoCo Correspondent
As we reflect on the past year and look forward to the next, the vital role the County plays in improving the lives of the people and communities we serve has become all the more clear. We are living and working with a pre-and-post fire frame of reference – just like every county resident, business, government agency, and nonprofit.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story
January 08, 2018 | County Administrator's Office
January SoCo Correspondent
The devastating October wildfires that swept through Sonoma County created a significant flood risk for people living in and nearby the burned areas until vegetation is restored.Please share the Correspondent with your family and friends, and if you have any ideas of how we can improve the newsletter or other outreach efforts please send us your thoughts to Read our Newsletter Read full story