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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Approved Minutes July 13 2020

  1. Call to Order: Vice Chair Berg called to order, the regular meeting of Mark West Citizens Advisory Council 6:00 pm.
  2. Roll Calll: Councilmembers present:, Roni Berg, Tim Preston, Pete Lescure, Brad Sherwood
  3. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Councilmember Preston, seconded by Councilmember Sherwood, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, June 8, 2020, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (4-0).
    • Vice Chair Berg announced to attendees that any documents discussed in the Zoom meetings are available to them if they request via
  4. Ex Parte Communcations - None
  5. Standing Updates
    1. Utility Updates: Scott Salyer was unable to attend. Will reschedule.
    2. Wikiup Updates: Tabled to next meeting or possibly till in-person meetings are resumed. Vice Chair Berg will investigate if the process is still moving forward during the pandemic situation. The questions are: Is there time? Would it be better to have the discussion when a live participating audience can be present?
    3. Sonoma County General Plan: None
    4. MWCAC Logo Update: This subject is postponed until further notice due to COVID-19.
  6. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items: This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general Interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair. None 
  7. Correspondence:
    1. Email from Jen Mendoza re Buzzards Gulch (FYI only, Not in the MWCAC boundaries) -: Vice Chair Berg read the email and permit request. Jen Mendoza: The permit was denied, being in a Green Zone. It may be appealed or they may seek other options.
    2. The Council sent a letter to Supervisor Gorin, about the PGE settlement from the 2017 Tubbs fire ($150,000). The County is now strategizing how to spend it. They plan to make the determination on August 11,2020. The goal of the letter is to reinforce that the Council exists and help insure that unmet needs (from that particular disaster) are not forgotten. Councilmember Sherwood, as a result of discussions with block captains, put together a list, addressing all issues and unmet needs for the Larkfield/Mark West/Wikiup neighborhoods for presentation to the Board of Supervisors.
  8. Council Member Annoucements and Disclosures: Information only. None
  9. Presentations, Other Referrals form Permit Sonoma: To proceed as follows:
    1. Presentation
    2. Questions by Councilmembers
    3. Questions and comments from the public None
  10. Referals from Permits Sonoma w/out Presentation requiered. None
  11. Referals from Permits Sonoma with Presentation: Action Item. Consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows:
    1. Presentation by project applicant
    2. Questions by Councilmembers
    3. Questions and comments from the public
    4. Response by applicant, if required
    5. Comments by Council members
    6. Resolution (Action) if indicated None
  12. Subcommittee Reports and Discussions: Action if indicated 1. NIFP Subcommittee: Council Vice Chair Berg: Community Soils Kristin Suarez has moved on.They are still looking for new director. 3. Rebuild Subcommittee: See above E) 2. 4. CSD Subcommittee: None
  13. Other Reports: Discussion may follow: Action if indicated 1. WordPress Website update: Vice Chair Berg introduced Kevin Gallagher, Inbound Design, and presented the research summary. Inbound Design was chosen as the best fit for set up and ongoing maintenance. The cost comes out of Council operations. Vice Chair Berg spoke with his clients, receiving positive feedback. On a motion by Councilmember Lescure, seconded by Councilmember Sherwood, the proposal to work with Kevin Gallager was accepted. The motion carried on a voice vote. (4-0)
    Website Wishes: A place to interact with jurisdiction (thank you’s, unmet needs, information, archive, google earth of community)
  14. Discussions: Action Items: Action if indicated
    1. Wikiup Commons: See above C) 2. With a reminder that the community was promised an hour.
    2. Speed limit on Mark West Springs Road and Old Redwood Hwy: Councilmember Lescure agrees the speeds are too high. The council addressed that on Old Redwood Hwy. Any change was rejected at that time. The Council is still of the opinion that it needs to be addressed, as there are parameters to warrant it. Mark West Springs Rd., however, is a different issue. Ribeli Elementary School is there. Vice Chair Berg agreed to write a letter to Johannes Hoevertsz, Transportation & Public Works (TPW), addressing the issue on Mark West Springs Rd. Attendee/Resident Rick Hall thanked the Council for keeping speed limits on the agenda. He said it’s better not to wait until someone is killed. He cited the main street in the City of Cotati and Hoen Ave. in Santa Rosa as good examples of controlling the speed.
    3. List of unmet needs projects for Larkfield/Mark West/Wikiup: See above E) 2.
    4. Larkfield Road Maintenance: Councilmember Lescure drafted a letter to Board of Supervisors and Team Ghilotti, on behalf of the Council, thanking them for the maintenance and quality work. The Council agreed to sign and send the letter.
    5. Recology Rate Increase, July 01, 2020: Council Member Lescure drafted a letter to the Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the Council, requesting that in the future they bring matters/issues, such as the Recology Rate Increase, to the Council’s attention before the Board acts on them. On a motion by Councilmember Sherwood, seconded by Councilmember Lescure the proposal to sign and send the letter(s) was accepted. The motion carried on a voice vote. (4-0)
  15. Future Agenda Items: Potential future projects and suggestions for the next meeting.
    1. Presentation of Special Assessments Zones
    2. Presentation of examples of proposed logo for the MWCAC, created by MWUSD students
    3. Continued Discussion, Wikiup Commons
    4. Discussion, Michael Fargo’s emails to the Council secretary (re meeting w/Tony Korman)
    5. Facebook possibilities, Ciara Frowick
  16. Adjournment - Action Item: There being no other Council business to discuss, on a motion by Councilmember Berg, seconded by Councilmember Lescure, the meeting was adjourned at 6.38 pm.