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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for March 12, 2018

  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairman Brian Molsberry called to order the regular meeting of the Mark West Community Advisory Council at 6:00 PM.
    2. Roll Call: Members present were:
      • Brian Molsberry
      • Roni Berg
      • Pete Lescure
      • Tim Preston
      • Mike Edwards - absent
    3. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Council Chair Molsberry, seconded by Council Member Preston, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, February 12, 2018, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (4-0).
  2. Ex parte Communications
    1. Councilmember Berg reported that she met with Chris Collins concerning the budget for the Franchise Fees.
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: This time is set aside to receive comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCac cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.
    1. Lois Lebovich, President of Guernewood Neighborhods Assoc. reported that several groups in the Guerneville area want to get together to talk about forming a Citizens Advisory Council. She invited the board members to come and give advice on forming a Council.
    2. Evan Jacobs. Cal Am Water, made a suggestion for a future agenda item: Cal Am Water Company represents the PUC – regulated utilities, as part of the ground water sustainability agencies for Sonoma County. That group is conducting a financial study as to how to fund the agency for ground water sustainability. He will forward a presentation by Ann DuBay.
  4. Correspondence-None
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures:  Information only
    1. Pete communicated with Lois and Herman concerning the meeting in Guerneville
  6. Referrals from Permit Sonoma -None
  7. Presentations:Referrals from Sonoma county Permit Sonoma - ACTION ITEM-None
  8. Questions from Council:
  9. Subcommittee Reports and Following Discussions
    1. Franchise Fee Monies
      1. We have about $33,300 
      2. Whe committee is ready to propose a scenario. They are now looking at a model of reviewing project applications from the community every quarter, get a presentation from the applicants, vote, send the recommendation to Supervisor Gore for approval. We are running the process by his office now.  We should know by next meeting.  When it’s all approved and ready, we’ll put it up on the website.
      3. The budget was supposed to be in by 2/28.  All that is in it at this time is the Secretariy’s salary and  supplies.
      4. Discussion followed about ways to get the word out. Suggestions were: Community trade show; Chamber news letter; Mark West Compass Article
      5. Lois Lobevich asked if Larkfield had sirens.   Answer:  No
    2. Boundary Lines for MWCAC were tabled to another time, move to Future Agenda items
    3. Traffic and Transportation
      1. Councilmember Lescure reported that he was thinking of printing an article and submitting it to the Supervisors and the Santa Rosa Council and suggested that maybe the Council should be talking about that, while waiting on a response from Supervisor Gore.  He suggested the Council could put together a letter about   it and present it to the next meeting.
  10. Discussion Items:  ACTION ITEMS – Action if indicated
    1. More discussion concerning consolidation of Larkfield water rates with Sacramento:
      1. Evan Jacobs, of Cal Am Water, said they met with block captains as a group.  Reported that Cal Am Water is working to restore water service in damaged areas. Going to flush/disinfect water lines, water quality testing, then supply potable water to everyone.  Working on ongoing challenges but no Benzene has been found in any Larkfield/Mark West/Wikiup water.  They will continue to meet with block captains.
      2. Wikiup booster station debris has been removed. 
      3. A temporary booster pump is going in.  They will keep one tank and have new booster pumps.  All tanks are on the hilly side of Rogers Creek fault.  They are looking at building a storage tank on the side with the most customers.
      4. Still asking for support for rate consolidation with Sacramento. Filed in July of 2016 and re-requested about four times.  Suggest the community approve and stay engaged with the PUC. Evan repeated his points from last meeting, in favor of consolidation.  Consolidation can help to keep the cost down in Larkfield.
      5. Concerns from Councilmembers were:  So many citizens were previously against it. Why would Sacramento want it? Council only heard one side, feels like they need more information. Loosing local control, concern of not enough knowledge. Citizens have been saying “no” for years. Do they know about this new request? Will Larkfield rates lower to match Sacramento?
      6. Community member/Secretary Aggie Maggio said that the community, in the past, wanted the business to remain small and for Larkfield to continue to have a voice, which would not happen if rate consolidation happens.
      7. Evan’s responses were:  In the past, a group wanted to get condemnation and eminent domain, to buy the water system and operate it as a government agency.  Sacramento doesn’t necessarily want it but it is little impact to them. PUC makes the decision. Cal Am wants Supervisor Gore’s support and he said they should talk to the Council. Jacob can connect the group with the PUC and Office of Rate Payers. Costs would be consolidated immediately. Larkfield rates would remain the same until Sacramento rates catch up. Then they would consolidate.
      8. SGMA is Sustainable Ground Water Management Agency.  Information at Sonoma County Water Agency website
      9. No Councilmembers were willing to call for a recommendation, citing more information would be needed.
    2. Council member’s contact Information on the website
      1. On a motion by Councilmember Lescure, seconded by Councilmember Berg, the Council voted not to have their personal information posted on the website. The motion carried on a voice vote. (4-0)
  11. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM There being no other Council business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM.

Approved Date: April 24, 2018
Chairperson: Brian Molsberry