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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Minutes for July 9, 2018

  1. Call to Order
    1. Chairman Brian Molsberry called to order, the regular meeting of the Mark West Community Advisory Council at 6:00 pm.
    2. Roll Call: Members present were: _X_Brian Molsberry, _X_Roni Berg, _X_Pete Lescure, _X_Tim Preston, __ Mike Edwards
    3. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Councilmember Berg, and seconded by Councilmember Preston, minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, June 11, 2018, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (3-0).
  2. Ex parte Communications-None
    1. Councilmember Lescure exchanged a few emails with associates about coming to this meeting to see Lois Fisher’s presentation.
  3. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items: - None This time is set aside to receive comments from the
    public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant
    to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during
    this comment period. Each person is usually granted 3 minutes to speak; time limitations are at the
    discretion of the Chair.
  4. Correspondence-None
  5. Council Member Announcements and Disclosures: Information only-None
  6. Referrals from PRMD: - None
  7. Presentations: Other than Referrals from PRMD
    1. Dana Burwell, owner and developer of 5050 Old Redwood Hwy, presented a 10-year-old proposal for Mockingbird Ranch
, a proposed 35-lot subdivision in Larkfield, APN 039-025-088. Burwell is looking for feed back and any issues the council foresees.

      He proposes to keep as many trees as possible and few streets. It is an unusual design for this area. He’s thinking of flexibility. Due to the density requirement and wanting to keep as many trees as possible, he wants to have a variety of sizes of homes. He may sell all the homes or keep some and rent some out. There are issues about the required amount of affordable housing that the county will require. So what they will allow will be a big factor in deciding what to do with the homes, as far as size and “for sale” versus rentals.

      The members of the council agreed that the project looks to be a good usage of the area. It was
      mentioned that fewer units would be a better layout.

      County Planner Willie Lamberson told the group that when he fills out an application, he would
      get a planner assigned. That’s when the Council will get a referral asking for their input.
    2. Lois Fisher, President of Fisher Town Design.


      Lois Fisher, who was a long-term Planning Commissioner for the Town of Windsor and served during the development of the downtown, is a graduate of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and is a LEED Accredited Professional in Neighborhood Development (LEED AP ND). The Council invited her to present to the
      Council about ways to calm the traffic in Larkfield.

      She started with a clarification of public realms (shared communally by the public) vs. private realms (an individual enjoys a degree of authority, unhampered by government interventions) and used Windsor’s story as an example

      She invited anyone to tell her what he or she liked, and disliked about Larkfield. Here are the comments:

      1. Positives:
        1. natural environment
        2. growth
        3. small rural area
        4. sense of community
        5. access from 101, while still far enough away
        6. schools
        7. entrepreneurial atmosphere: mom/pop businesses that cater to the community
        8. open space and walkability
      2. Negatives:
        1. no growth
        2. like to see fast building of burned homes
        3. not like building of more low income homes
        4. traffic
        5. need traffic light in front of Molsberry
        6. traffic goes too fast for pedestrians

        Some of the benefits of a walkable public realm are: health, greenhouse gas reductions, tax benefits for businesses, safety, due to eyes on public realm, less property crime.

        Traffic calming,Design matters:

        15 miles mph in a downtown and 60+ mph on a freeway are safe. 30-50 mph in town are not safe.

        Between 25 and 50 mph, the accident percentages increase with each increase in speed.
        Surprisingly, at 30 mph, 50% of accidents result in fatalities.

      3. Suggestions are:
        1. Keep narrow lanes and cross streets, forcing slower traffic.
        2. Put in medians, bike lanes or parking with smaller lanes-reduction in crashes.
        3. Stop signs cause problems and rarely calm traffic.
        4. Speed bumps slowed drivers and fire trucks too much.
        5. Short medians, shared zones, back-in parking, good. Modify tree canopies, mini circles.
        6. Woonerf in Denmark – make it uncomfortable for cars to go fast.
        7. Roundabouts = less conflict points than a regular intersection
        8. 10’ lanes help achieve 25 mph
        9. On street parking – would slow traffic
        Possible process to a public Plaza and traffic calming for the Wikiup/Larkfield area
      4. Option 1:
        1. Do a feasibility study.
        2. Inventory potential sites.
        3. Perform due diligence
        4. Create design alternates for a pubic realm and traffic calming.
        5. Rezone feasible sites to walkable zoning (Form-Based Code)
      5. Option 2:
        1. Ask for an update to the Larkfield/Wikiup Specific Plan in the County General Plan update
        2. County General Plan update process is starting soon.
        3. Ask for money to update Larkfield Wikiup Specific Plan. Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) could work as a funding source if Larkfield is a Priority Development Area.
        4. Rezone undeveloped sites to walkable zoning.
        5. Include new walkable street sections and traffic calming measures along Old Redwood Highway

        PRMD doesn’t typically do Area Plans/Specific Plans/Feasibility Plans in house. They may be willing to put a policy/goal to update the Larkfield Wikiup Specific Plan in the General Plan.

  8. Presentations: Referrals from Sonoma county PRMD: ACTION ITEM and Following Discussions - None
  9. Discussion Items: ACTION ITEMS – Action if indicated
    1. Discussion on last month’s presentation on 1100 Wikiup Dr.

      The councilmembers agreed that there was not enough material provided to be able to make a comment to county.

  10. Agenda Items: Potential projects for future meetings and suggestions for the next MWCAC meeting
    1. Wikiup Commons
  11. Adjournment: ACTION ITEM There being no other Council business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Fisher Town Design Top Twelve Plaza Principles Work Sheet 2018 (pdf 45.9 kB)