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Department of Health Services

Safe Holiday Hosting


safe-hosting-christmas-200.jpgMake sure all your festivities wrap up safely.

It’s the winter holiday season – a time to enjoy the company of family and friends. Home dinner parties, informal gatherings, and other celebrations are abundant…and oftentimes, so is the alcohol.

Two-thirds of those arrested for DUI believed they were okay to drive when they left the gathering.

It may go without saying, but those who’ve been drinking aren’t the best judges of their ability to drive.

Sonoma County surveys show that over one-third of individuals arrested for drunk driving locally had been drinking at home or someone else’s home prior to their arrest.

Alcohol-related injury collisions spike during the months of November, December and January — the primary months for holiday entertaining.

You can help ensure that your guests enjoy themselves AND get home safely.

  • If you plan to drink, limit your alcohol intake.
  • Provide plenty of non-alcoholic beverages for guests who choose not to drink.
  • Do not pressure guests to drink; if they do drink, don’t rush to fill their empty glasses.
  • Be aware of guests who are drinking; stop serving if you think they are intoxicated.
  • Do not allow minors to drink alcohol.
  • Always serve food.
  • Keep in mind that beer and wine are just as intoxicating as hard liquor.
  • Stop serving alcohol toward the end of the evening. Only time will sober a person up.
  • Drinking strong coffee will not help.
  • For your guests that drink, encourage the use of Uber or Lyft, call them a cab, arrange a ride with a sober guest, or allow them to sleep at your home.
  • Remember, other drugs, including marijuana, especially when mixed with alcohol, impair driving.

Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!