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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

Minutes July 12 2018

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Commissioners Present:
First District: Jan Blalock , Joanne M. Brown
Second District: Trisha Almond (Chair)
Third District: Victoria Fleming, Jennifer Whyte
Fourth District: Leticia Padilla
Fifth District: Lorena Barrera, Ariana Diaz De Leon (Vice Chair), Jessica Wood

Commissioners Absent:
Second District: Karen Langdon
Third District: Jennielynn Holmes
Fifth District: Lorena Barrera (Vice-Chair)

  1. Call to Order – Introductions – Mission Statement – Almond
  2. Approval of the July 12, 2018 Agenda – Almond
    Due to the requirements of the Brown Act, only changing the order of, or deletion of items may be allowed. New items may not be added.

    Motion to approve the July 12, 2018 agenda as written

    Commissioner Diaz De Leon          Ayes:   7          Noes: 0       
    Commissioner Wood                     Absent: 3         Abstained: 1

    Commissioners Barrera, Holmes and Langdon were absent. Commissioner Almond abstained as Chair.

    The motion passed.   
  3. Approval of the June 14, 2018 Draft Minutes – Almond
    Motion to approve the June 14, 2018 Draft Minutes

    Commissioner Blalock               Ayes:   8          Noes: 0 
    Commissioner Diaz De Leon     Absent: 3         Abstained: 1  

    Commissioners Barrera, Holmes and Langdon were absent. Commissioner Almond abstained as Chair.

    The motion passed.
  4. Public Comment on Agendized Items – Almond
    Public comment is limited to three minutes per topic, unless otherwise noted.
  5. Commissioner Announcements/Communications with Supervisors/Tabling Opportunities – All – 7 Minutes
    1. Chair reported on the tabling event in Petaluma.
    2. Chair Almond and Commissioner Langdon reported out on the “Families Belong Together” Rallies in Santa Rosa and Petaluma
    3. Commissioner Blalock provided an update on all of the marketing items purchased. 
  6. Openings and Appointments – Almond
    Chair reported that Commissioner Badham resigned. BOS approved the appointment of Dianna MacDonald in the 4th District. There is now one opening in 1st, 2nd and 4th Districts. Anticipate an opening in 3rd District at end of August.)
  7. Public Comment On Non-Agendized Items – Almond
    No members of the public addressed the Commission.
  8. Regular Calendar Items
    1. Guest Speaker - Gloria McCallister
      Social Worker for Community Action of Marin, Gloria McCallister addressed the Commission and shared information on the responsibilities of her position and her work with the undocumented community.
    2. Junior Commissioner Project
      Commissioners Diaz De Leon and Padilla provided an update on the status of the incoming cohort of the Juniors and the possible orientation day.
    3. Women’s History Month Suffrage Project
      Commissioners Blalock and Fleming gave updates on the project being coordinated by the National Women’s History Project. They also discussed the 40th anniversary event mentioned on the call in the June meeting.
    4. Changes in Commission Staff Support
      The Chair discussed the communication with HR and the proposed responsibilities that the Commission would have to take over due to the elimination of staff support. She mentioned the concerns on having to do less through the ad hocs. Commissioners mentioned concerns on new responsibilities. The Chair stated a meeting is scheduled with HR and all questions and concerns will be brought up and discussed.  The Chair also mentioned that updates from the meeting with HR will be given at the next Commission meeting.
    5. National Association of Commissions for Women Conference (NACW) & ACCW Meeting
      Chair Almond and Commissioner Blalock reminded the Commission they would be going to the upcoming 48th NACW Annual Conference and Association of California Commissions for Women meeting in Southern California and they would bring back important information to the Commission. The Chair mentioned that all expenses were pre-paid prior to the end of the fiscal year in order to use the left-over funds from that FY. However, HR did not accept the documentation and stated the funds would have to come out of the new FY.
    6. Women’s Equality Day Resolution
      Commissioners Blalock and Brown announced that a resolution request would be made in the City of Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Additionally, the Vice-Chair would be submitting the proper documentation to the County.
    7. Administrative Report 
      Chair Almond informed commissioners of the move between storage units.
      • Strategic Planning Meeting
        Chair Almond proposed to eliminate the regular commission meeting in October and hold the strategic planning session in that month. She informed the Commission that a doodle would be sent out later in the week with proposed dates for a possible late October meeting.
      • Letter to Senator Feinstein
        Commissioner Diaz De Leon discussed her strategy in writing the letter thanking Senator Feinstein for sponsoring the Keeping Families Together Act. She mentioned the bill Feinstein introduced had no action taken aside from being introduced. Commissioner Brown mentioned that the commission should join others in continuing to pressure elected officials on taking action on this issue.

        Motion to approve the Letter to Senator Feinstein

        Commissioner Brown          Ayes:   7          Noes: 0 
        Commissioner Padilla          Absent: 3         Abstained: 1

        Commissioners Barrera, Holmes and Langdon were absent. Commissioner Almond abstained as Chair.

        The motion passed.
    8. Community Issues, Liaisons, and Coordinators
      Program development updates not included above.
      • Field Trip – Update from Commissioners managing specific field trips
      • Human Trafficking Task Force – Blalock
      • Speaker Coordinator – 
        • Commissioner Padilla stated she would coordinate with Elizabeth Gore for a future date
      • Volunteer Coordinator – Vacant
    9. Agenda Items for Next Commission Meeting
      Proposal, discussion, and possible action items for next Commission meeting.
    10. Adjournment 
      Meeting adjourned by the Chair at 7:33PM.
      Respectfully submitted,
      Lorena Barrera, CSW Vice Chair