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Harvesting Winegrapes in Quarantine Area - Winery

Harvesting Winegrapes in Quarantine Area - Winery

Agriculture Weights and Measures Banner 750

Winery Quarantine Compliance 2014



  • Obtain EGVM and LBAM Compliance agreements:
    • LBAM compliance agreement.
      • LBAM compliance agreement not needed if grapes are staying within the LBAM contiguous quarantine area.
  • Ensure the hauler and grower receiving grapes has EGVM and/or LBAM Compliance Agreement by checking the links below:
    • EGVM - Regulated Establishments (Listed by county. To search for a specific business, use the "Control" and "F" keys to open a "Find" box.)
    • Grower’s LBAM federal shield to accompany each load if grapes are leaving the quarantine area. 



  • Wineries located outside the quarantine area: notify the Sonoma County Agricultural Comm.'s Office at least 24 hours in advance of shipments coming from quarantine areas inside or outside of Sonoma County. (Counties with EGVM quarantine areas currently include Napa and Sonoma.)
  • Wineries located inside the quarantine area: notify the Sonoma County Agricultural Comm.'s Office at least 24 hours in advance of only those shipments coming from quarantine areas outside of Sonoma County. (Counties with EGVM quarantine areas currently include Napa and Sonoma.) 


None required

Operational Procedures

Crush grapes from a quarantine area within 2 hours of arrival and before those from outside of the quarantine. Safeguard untarped loads that will not be processed within 2 hours of arrival. Wineries-Safeguarding of Loads


Ensure all equipment (bins, barrels, machinery, gondolas, etc.) used for the transport of bulk grapes is thoroughly cleaned of all host material and debris upon arrival and prior to leaving the receiving premise.

Green Waste

  • All unfermented green waste generated from quarantined fruit originating outside Sonoma County shall be transported to an approved green waste receiver by an approved green waste hauler or returned to the vineyard of origin by an approved green waste hauler. (Counties with EGVM quarantine areas currently include Napa and Sonoma.)
  • Unfermented green waste from quarantine fruit originating inside Sonoma County, in addition to the methods described above, may be composted on site in accordance with CCR, Title 14, Div. 7, Ch. 3.1, Section 17868.3.

The movement of unfermented pomace, pressed to a minimum of 2 bars or 28psi, is unrestricted within California.

Unregulated materials

Grape must, juice and fermented pomace are exempt from EGVM and LBAM regulations.